
Where can i find these? veg foods?!?

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okay so i only have a walmart where i live...and i havent seen vegetarian ribs or like alot of other stuff?

where can i find it?

and also i have fake chicken strips and bacon.

i haven't tried them....

are they good.

one more thing... what's your favorite?




  1. You might be able to ask the manager of the department, or if you are willing to buy online, there are plenty of options to choose from when shopping for online foods.

  2. Have you checked the produce department? People don't think to look there because they associate vegetarian food as a meat substitute, when it is actually made from soy which is plant based. You will find vegetarian foods in both the meat and produce departments.

  3. Well where do you live? Wal-Mart normally carries Morningstar (which has vegan ribs) as well as other veg products. If there is an HEB, Kroger, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's or natural health food store near you, they most likely would have it.

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