
Where can i find vaporizers in local stores?

by  |  earlier

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i dont know where i can find them. the store i normally go to... walmart doesnt have them in stock. i tried babies r us, baby depot, sears, belk.....




  1. I have one from Walgreens that was only $19.99 that would be the best place to go since they have the cool mist and warm mist as well as humidifiers.

  2. You might be able to find them in local pharmacy, or pharmacy chain like Walgreens, CVS, or Brooks. But keep in mind, in order 2 save so dollars I recommend stores like Costco, Sams, or BJ. Much cheaper. Also check your local electronic chain of stores, Best Buy, Circuit City, and I know a store call Bernies  has them. Good Luck

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