
Where can i get GUINNESS MARMITE shipped to IRELAND?

by  |  earlier

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desperate to find this stuff i know its not to everyones taste but i need some for a gift for a guinness collector.

any ideas all the ebay auctions are going to take too long to get it for st aptricks day which is my aim




  1. shudders at the thought

  2. site below you can order through paypal/credit card

  3. if you haven't already got it already then i'm guessing its because the shippers don't like it...well you either love it or hate it!!

  4. Try the internet, and look for fastest del'

  5. Never heard of it ....

  6. Ebay....just go for one of the "buy it now" ones...there on this link! At least you wont have to wait for the bidding to end....really think your expecting a bit much though...theres only 1 more working day until paddys day, will be very hard to get it shipped out in time..

  7. Wow, sounds lovely, I never knew such a thing existed.

    I'm answering the hope someone can tell you so I might try some myself.

  8. Hi i work for tesco and as far as i know it was a one off,we do however a marmite and champagne at the moment.Dont know what it taste like though.

  9. i've also used the website. i've had it shipped to australia, sweden and the US by them. pretty expensive but it is a rare collectable it seems now. i just wanted it for people to eat. just realised the whole thing is a bit late now...sorry.

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