
Where can i get a degree less than 2 year or 1year?

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  1. Most two year colleges are only a year and a half, but they say that its two years. I know Indian Hills CC does that.

    Not bachelors or master... Its totally impossible to receive a masters degree if you haven't already been to 2 years of college.

    Either associates or bachelors. And it really depends on which field you want to go into also. I'm a tech geek, so Indian Hills and ITT Tech are good schools for that.

  2. You can do an associated degree in 2 years, or a masters. It's lamost impossible to do a bachelors in 2 years unless yu take an overload of courses and study during the summer, too. Then it *might* be possible.

  3. which degree do you mean...bachelors or masters.

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