
Where can i get a fake retainer? Or how can i make one?

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There's a costume party thing and im going to dress up as like...a nerd. and i wanna have one of those weird nerdy lisps like this

*Don't troll*




  1. Guest51

    the way you can make a fake retainer is you take a piece or pieces of gum and you mold you mouth then let it freeze then attach  the paperclip with another piece of gum and then you freeze it again. By the way all of you who say mean things about others means that you yourself is just a loser or a d**k



  2. ok can u guys not be such d**k heads to this person. and retainer wont make you have a lisp but u can buy a mouth guard and cut the top part off or get the wax bottles at the store and suck the juice out of them put them in hot water and mold them to ur teeth


  3. go to


  4. At the stupit person who commetned under me wtf all she or he wants u to do is answer the d**n question all this other stuff was a waist of time that just prooves u have nothing else better to do. but anyways take a clear mouth guard u can find thoose at drug stores and there u go

  5. why would you want a fake retainer anyway loooooosssserrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!           you suck dicks and d****s you stupid f**k!!!!!!!

  6. get a paperclip shape it the size of your mouth and if u can't get it to stay use gum or gummie candies

  7. seriously how do u make a fake retainer?

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Latest activity: 9 years, 11 month(s) ago.
This question has 7 answers.


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