
Where can i get a free checklist?

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For a Piper Tomahawk ?




  1. Aircraft Performance Speeds

     VS0 – Landing configuration stall at gross weight, power off 49 KIAS

     VS1 – Cruise configuration stall at gross weight, power off 52 KIAS

     VR 53 KIAS

     VR  (Short/Soft) 53 KIAS

     VREF 67 KIAS

     VREF (Short/Soft) 67 KIAS

     VX – Best Angle of Climb Speed 61 KIAS

     VY – Best Rate of Climb Speed 70 KIAS

     VFE – Max. Flap Extension 89 KIAS

     VA – Maneuvering Speed (1670#) 103 KIAS

     VA – Maneuvering Speed (1277#) 90 KIAS

     VNO – Top of Green Arc 110 KIAS

     VNE – Red Line – Never Exceed 138 KIAS

     VL/D 70 KIAS

     Max. Demonstrated X-wind 15 KIAS

    Aircraft Specifications

     Maximum Gross Weight 1670 LBS

     Basic Empty Weight (N2398C) 1180 LBS

     Useful Load (N2398C) 490 LBS

     Fuel Capacity (useable) 30 GALS

     Fuel Consumption 6.5 GPH

     Cruise Speed 100 KIAS

    Preflight Inspection


    1. Control Lock REMOVE

    2. Ignition OFF

    3. Master Switch ON

    4. Fuel Gauges CHECK

    5. Alternator Warning Light CHECK

    6. Master Switch OFF

    7. Primary Flight Controls CHECK

    8. Flaps CHECK

    9. Static Drain DRAINED

    10. Windows CLEAN

    11. Baggage STOWED

    12. Required Papers ON BOARD

    13. Parking Brake ON

    Left Wing

    1. Surface Condition CHECK

    2. Flap and Hinges CHECK

    3. Aileron and hinges CHECK

    4. Wing Tip CHECK

    5. Lights CHECK

    6. Fuel Cap OPEN

    7. Fuel Quantity and Color CHECK

    8. Fuel Cap CLOSE and SECURE

    9. Fuel Vent CHECK

    Preflight Inspection

    Left Wing

    10. Fuel Tank Sump DRAIN

    11. Pitot Head UNOBSTRUCTED

    12. Stall Warning CHECK

    13. Landing Gear and Tire CHECK

    14. Brake Block and Disk CHECK

    15. Chock and Tie Down REMOVED

    Nose Section

    1. Fuel Strainer DRAIN

    2. General Condition CHECK

    3. Prop and Spinner CHECK

    4. Air Inlets CLEAR

    5. Engine Compartment CHECK


    7. Dipstick PROPERLY SEATED

    8. Alternator Belt CHECK TENSION

    9. Cowling CLOSED and SECURE

    10. Nose Gear Tire CHECK

    11. Nose Wheel Strut Proper Inflation (3”)

    12. Windshield CLEAN

    Preflight Inspection

    Right Wing

    1. Check as Left Wing

    Fuselage (Right Side)

    1. General Condition CHECK

    2. Antennas CHECK

    3. Side and Rear Window CHECK

    4. Static Vents UNOBSTRUCTED


    1. General Condition CHECK

    2. Hinges and Attachments CHECK

    3. Tie Down REMOVED

    Fuselage (Right Side)

    1. Check as Left Side

    Before Starting Engine

    1. Cabin Doors CLOSED AND LATCHED

    2. Overhead Latch ENGAGED


    4. Seat Belts & Harnesses FASTENED

    5. Circuit Breakers IN

    6. Parking Brake SET

    7. Carburetor Heat FULL OFF

    8. Fuel Selector DESIRED TANK

    Engine Start (COLD)


    2. Throttle OPEN ½ INCH

    3. Master Switch ON

    4. Electric Fuel Pump ON

    5. Mixture FULL RICH

    6. Starter ENGAGE

    7. Primer PUSH IN SLOWLY

    8. Throttle ADVANCE SLIGHTLY

    9. Oil Pressure CHECK

    10. Electric Fuel Pump OFF

    11. Fuel Pressure CHECK

    12. Primer LOCKED

    Engine Start (Hot)

    1. Throttle CRACKED

    2. Master Switch ON

    3. Electric Fuel Pump ON

    4. Mixture FULL RICH

    5. Starter ENGAGE

    6. Throttle ADJUST

    7. Oil Pressure CHECK

    8. Electric Fuel Pump OFF

    9. Fuel Pressure CHECK

    Engine Start (Flooded)

    1. Throttle OPEN FULL

    2. Master Switch ON

    3. Electric Fuel Pump ON

    4. Mixture IDLE CUT-OFF

    5. Starter ENGAGE

    6. Mixture ADVANCE

    7. Throttle r****d

    8. Oil Pressure CHECK

    9. Fuel Pressure CHECK

    Starting Engine (External Power)

    1. Master Switch OFF

    2. All Electrical Equipment OFF

    3. Terminals CONNECT

    4. External Power Plug INSERT

    5. Proceed with Normal Start

    6. Throttle LOWEST RPM

    7. External Power Plug DISCONNECT

    8. Master Switch ON – CHECK AMMETER

    9. Oil Pressure CHECK

    Warm Up

    1. Throttle 800 to 1200 RPM


    1. Intercom ON

    2. Radios ON

    3. Taxi Area CLEAR

    4. Brakes CHECK

    5. Steering CHECK

    Ground Check

    1. Brakes SET

    2. Throttle 1800 RPM

    3. Magnetos 175 Max/ 50 Diff.

    4. Vacuum 5.0” Hg ± .1

    5. Oil Temp CHECK

    6. Oil Pressure CHECK

    7. Carburetor Heat CHECK

    8. Throttle r****d

    Before Takeoff

    1. Master Switch CHECK ON

    2. Flight Instruments CHECK

    3. Fuel Selector PROPER TANK

    4. Mixture SET

    5. Electric Fuel Pump ON

    6. Carburetor Heat OFF

    7. Engine Gauges CHECK

    8. Static Source NORMAL


    10. Seat Backs ERECT

    11. Belts/Harness FASTENED

    12. Empty Seat Belt FASTENED

    13. Flaps SET

    14. Trim Tab SET

    15. Controls FREE

    16. Doors CLOSED and LATCHED

    17. Overhead Latch ENGAGED

    18. Transponder ON ALT

    Normal Takeoff

    1. Flaps SET

    2. Trim Tab SET

    3. Accelerate 53 KIAS

    4. Control Wheel , Back Pressure to Rotate to Climb Attitude

    Short Field Takeoff, Obstacle Clearance

    1. Flaps 21° (first notch)

    2. Accelerate 53 KIAS

    3. Control Wheel , Back Pressure to Rotate to Climb Attitude

    4. Accelerate (until over obstacle) 61 KIAS

    5. Accelerate (after over obstacle) 70 KIAS


    Short Field Takeoff, No Obstacle

    1. Flaps 21° (first notch)

    2. Accelerate 53 KIAS

    3. Control Wheel , Back Pressure to Rotate to Climb Attitude

    4. Accelerate (after breaking ground) 70 KIAS


    Soft Field Takeoff, Obstacle Clearance

    1. Flaps 21° (first notch)

    2. Accelerate and lift off nose as soon as possible.

    3. Lift off at slowest possible airspeed.

    4. Accelerate just above ground to 61 KIAS to climb past obstacle height.

    5. Accelerate (after over obstacle) 70 KIAS


    Soft Field Takeoff, No Obstacle

    1. Flaps 21° (first notch)

    2. Accelerate and lift off nose as soon as possible.

    3. Lift off at slowest possible airspeed.

    4. Accelerate just above ground best rate of climb speed 70 KIAS



    1. VX – Best Angle of Climb Speed 61 KIAS

    2. VY – Best Rate of Climb Speed 70 KIAS

    3. Electric Fuel Pump OFF


    1. Normal Max. Power 75%

    2. Power SET PER TABLE

    3. Mixture ADJUST

    4. Fuel Selector SWITCH AS NEEDED

    Approach and Landing

    1. Fuel Selector PROPER TANK

    2. Seat Backs ERECT

    3. Belts/Harness FASTEN

    4. Electric Fuel Pump ON

    5. Mixture SET

    6. Flaps SET (89 KIAS MAX)

    7. Trim 70 KIAS

    8. Final Approach Speed 67 KIAS

    Stopping Engine

    1. Flaps RETRACT

    2. Electric Fuel Pump OFF

    3. Radios OFF

    4. Magnetos CHECK GROUND

    5. Throttle FULL AFT

    6. Mixture IDLE CUT-OFF

    7. Magnetos OFF

    8. Master Switch OFF

    9. Intercom OFF


    1. Parking Brake SET

    2. Control Wheel SECURED WITH BELTS

    3. Flaps FULL Up

    4. Wheel Chocks IN PLACE

    5. Tie Downs SECURE

    Piper Tomahawk - N2398C

    Qty Weight Arm Moment

    Basic Empty Weight 1180 1180 73.3 86,439

    Pilot 85.5

    Co-Pilot 85.5

    Baggage #1 (100 lb Max) 115.0

    Fuel  Gal. (30 Max) 75.4

    Total (M.G.W.=1670 lbs)

  2. Best option would be to find a flight manual for one - they generally have a rudimentary checklist - or approach a flying school who fly Tomahawks - they'll (most likely!) be happy to photocopy you one!

    Bear in mind it depends who you are flying for. If it is for a company then they should provide you with a checklist or outline of their procedures for the plane - each company has different procedures (I've worked for ones who'll run through a 4 page list for a Cessna 172 then onto companies that'll do 5 checks off the top of their head). So first of all - ask the company/school/club you are flying for (or flying the plane from) what their procedure is.

    If they don't have one - then by all means get a copy from somewhere else. However if it's a list from another flying school, make sure you get it approved by the one you fly with - just to cover your backside in case! Also bear in mind there may be things they have that you dont or vice versa so you'll need to alter those on the list...(GPS is a prime example).

    Good luck! Ask around - and when you find one, get it approved and no problems! If the place you fly for/hire from don't provide lists, they'll have no worry with you using one from "outside".


  3. Try this site.............

  4. Nothing says you can't make your own. We never use the manufacturers checklist. They put to much  in just to cover their legal behinds. Make it like you want in the order you want so it's easy to use.  If it's easy  to use it gets used more often which is safer. No it doesn't have to be approved by the FAA either. When I was a FAA designated pilot examiner and a guy pulls out his home made checklist I knew he was going to have an easy time with me.

    If you work for an airline or  some other organization though, use theirs and dont beyatch

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