
Where can i get a good bike inner tube?

by  |  earlier

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i need to replace the innertube on one of the tires on my bike, my brother is going to help me, so i don't need to know sizes or anything like that. I just need to know where i can buy a decent inner tube for a reasonable price (and what that price is). any info would help! thanks! :)




  1. Bike shop.  About $5-7 on average

  2. You need to the size, read the side of the tire, it tels you size and preferd preasure, you can get inner tubes at walmart

  3. wal mart or bike shop

  4. You will definitely be able to by a good tube at any local bike shop in your area. In my area the tubes normally cost around five dollars. You can probably even get a tube at walmart or target if that is more convenient. Not sure on the price of those though.

  5. The only tubes that I do not endorse is butyl tubes.They are high priced and burst way too easilly .

    The best tube is a cheap one.So please buy two as you'll almost never get a flat next to a bike shop or a dep't store,more likely on a long ride and on a sunday when the shops are closed.

    I always[always] use talcum podwer inside the tire to lubricate the inner tube as the tube can start to fuse to the tire after a long while or if water gets into the tire[common]

    I also run my fingers ,slowly,inside the tire to make sure that there is nothing there to puncture the new tube installed.

    Checking the inner rim is wise too.Never forget to check the valve stem hole as a sharp edge can be bad as the tube can move if the tire pressure is low.

    I hope this can be of some assistance to you and good luck

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