
Where can i get a good free version of Photo-shop?

by  |  earlier

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I am looking to see if i can get a good free version of photoshop and if anyone downloaded it and where from any good links that dont need a password??? i really want it!





  1. I recommend GIMP, it has many features of Photoshop and costs nothing.

    GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.

    Other free alternatives would be or Picasa from Google. You can check out the top rated free image editing software by clicking on the first link.

  2. There's no way you can get it for free unless your friend has it and installs it on your computer. You could download it off a torrent or from but that's illegal. You could download the 30 day trial but obviously it only lasts for 30 days. Just trying using free programs like GIMP or Paint. Good luck

  3. Photoshop isn't free.

    Gimp is. Get it here:

  4. You can get a 30-day trial from the Adobe website. Alternatively there are free programs which will do the same basic stuff, such as The Gimp, or Paint.NET.

  5. I got a bootleg from a guy...complete with code. Same as all my software. It's old, so Adobe doesn't care.

  6. you cannot legally get photoshop for free. doing so would be breaking the law. however, you can get a 30 day free trial from their website

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