
Where can i get a good picture of soil pollution???

by Guest66752  |  earlier

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pls. give me a website's name





  2. at your backyard.

    try to polute the the soil.

    best thing about it is that,it is original n live.

  3. Go out in your own yard or a nearby yard.  Find a spot where the grass isn't growing too well.  If it's turned yellow or is dead or there is just bare ground, that area may very well have polluted soil.  Too much fertilizer can pollute the soil as well as anything can.  

    Another good place to look is around trash cans and ash cans (where people put out their cigarrettes) that are sitting on bare soil.  All that ground in trash and chemicals from leaking trash pollutes the soil too.  

    Find a spot where a storm drain empties out onto grass or bare soil.  Urban runoff is full of chemicals that pollute the ground.

  4. Around any oil well or if that is too far out of the way, go to an automobile  scrap yard. . .and don't get caught taking pictures.

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