
Where can i get a good teen job at 15?

by  |  earlier

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i want one that pays very good money, i heard walmart pays very good and stuff, is that where i should go? i want a place wiht very very good pay in the summer..




  1. Walmart does not pay very well at all. In fact, it's s******g its entire work force and the US economy at the same time. I would strongly advise against working there.

  2. First of all FORGET Wal Mart, it doesn't pay, and besides you are not old enough to work there. At 15 you are asking for a job that pays well, I must question what experience and knowledge you have to offer an employer that would justify paying the money you are seeking. What I would suggest that if you are serious about making money at 15, then you should become self employed.....cut lawns, odd jobs, or something that may be in demand in your area. You will have to WORK, but you will also earn money that is proportionate to the effort put in and your abilities. Plus it will teach you valuable lessons about Business and Life.

  3. I would take a look at a website such as

    They have some jobs, and info on where to find them.

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