
Where can i get a horse?

by Guest67074  |  earlier

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Where can i get a horse?




  1. Ask your local stable or look up a yellow book or news paper.

  2. Thoroughbreds are sold at sales and auctions, you may also purchase one through a trainer at a race track, either by claim or sale. Many breeders advertise their horses n-line. Mustangs are sold at auction by the department of the interior after wild horse round-ups. Ranchers and stables also sell horses. Feed stores usually have horses and other animals posted for sale either in local papers (penny saver, etc) or bulletin boards.

  3. There are many places to get horses. You may check a sale barn in your region, your local classified ads, or a rescue operation.  Unfortunately right now due to many different factors, some horse owners are actually giving their loved ones away, selling them for dirt cheap, or actually just setting them free.  It's terrible, but it's true.  Do your homework and if you can find one that is healthy and unwanted, please help save a horse....

  4. There are many sites that are available that have advertisments for horses. You can look online for a horse and then travel to try the horse. My favorite site to browse through horse sales is

  5. At a farm or a barn.  Some local stables.

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