
Where can i get a job, when im only 13 years old

by  |  earlier

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I want a job where i can get paid but not a low amount! And no fast food places




  1. Mowing lawns , babysitting, cleaning, doing chores etc.

    = )

  2. When my husband was even younger than you are he baked cookies and sold them to the local arena.  When I was 13-17 I baked bread and sold it at my Dad's office when my mom would go pick him up from work.  There are lots of people who don't have time to make home baked goods and would gladly pay for them! :)

    Babysitting is another great way to earn money.  Around here they make $6/hr, which is great for a 13 year old starting out in the working world.

  3. the only thing i can think of is babysitting and thats kind of obvious. or pet sitting/dog walking.

  4. There's nothing much you can do, except for maybe chores and babysitting, unless you live where I live, in which case you can start working ANYWHERE as soon as you turn 12.

    I don't think anyones told these people about "Child Labour Laws".

  5. Of course there's the obvious boring stuff like mowing lawns, babysitting, house sitting, pet sitting, house cleaning, lemonade stand, bake sale, garage sale, paper routes, etc. But really, no teen is excited by those obvious suggestions. Me being a teen and in the same boat with no job, i decided to do some research. I asked my friends and parents and looked online and ended up finding the perfect solution for me, and maybe for you. I don't know about you but I really have a love for sports, and in particular soccer. In most cases the recreational soccer clubs around your area hold clinics to train people as young as 11 years old to become referees. Obviously, you don't ref the games on tv or anything like that, you start out reffing the youngest kids in the league like 8 year olds, and get payed pretty well. I'm not sure if its much different where you live but in Washington they pay 15 dollars a game to start and the pay goes up from there. I'm not sure but I think there are similar opportunities for volleyball, basketball, or other sports. you could easily look into it. Good Luck!

  6. heyy i have the same dilamia too this summer but i have been babysittinq but at 14 yu can start workinq at six flaqs hershey park clemton park and dawony park is wht i heard but yu must apply for the job way b4 summer time because that will gureentee yur spot for the job

  7. in my state 13 year olds can't get real jobs. you could try baby sitting, dog walking, and doing chores for neighbors though.

  8. I think you have to be 14 to legally get a job and most places dont hire till around 15 or 16.

  9. Nowhere unless you have a family member who owns a buisness where you can work

  10. work under-the-table for a relative or close family friend, that's what i did!

  11. You have to be 14 to get working papers but you can babysit, pet sit, mow lawns....have fun.

  12. I'm lucky - my family owns a farm and my mom runs a business from home - I can work on either (I am twelve years old, turning 13) and get payed $15 an hour. Just think about it. Do any of your relatives have some place you can work?

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