
Where can i get a job at age 15?

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Well actually right now im 14 but I turn 15 in November and I really want to get a job because I want to have money for college AND i also want to get my gf the most perfect engagement ring so I can propose to her when im 17 and then we can get married when im 18. and I really need to get a job in order to get the ring that I have my eye on which costs…..well lets just say it costs A LOT, but I don’t care because I will do anything to make her happy and I just want her to have a ring that she will love when I pop the question to her in 2011. so what I really need right now is a job so I can start saving the money for it, so does anyone know where I can find a job at 15 years old? I will appreciate any job request that hires at 15…I would love it even more if it had to do with animals cuz that’s the job subject im leaning towards…but I just want a job so yes I would really really appreciate any suggestion //_^….oh and I live in san antonio, texas….just in case yall needed to know to help me out




  1. restaurants hire buss helpers that are younger(15) or dishwashers cus most of them get payed under the table, thats were i got hired when i was 13.  

  2. It is great to have goals so long as they are realistic. Don't be tooo quick to do the marriage thing but that's my personal opinion on the subject. You should check with your school when classes return to session because you will need a work permit and many schools are aware of jobs for teens that will save you alot of running around. Concentrate on your college over your marriage and buy a ring with your head, not with your heart.

  3. got my first job at mcdonald's when i was 15.  it isn't glamorous, but it sure put money in my pocket.  the company has a long history of hiring teens and they are very flexible with your scheduling.  good luck and kudos for planning ahead, i wasn't very good at that at your age! :)

  4. miccy dees, lol

  5. get a job applictaion from ur school. ussually u can get it from the school nurse. after u have that u could work. look for a store that look for someone. but it is better if u would work for a family member. btw.. wow ur really in love.. don't u think it's too early? u should get more experience b4 u get married. but good luck!

  6. a fast food place. or a clothing store.

  7. Oh it sounds like you guys are in love which is so sweet! i would say if you wanted a job with animals you could try pet sitting while people are gone because i think the official age to get a job is 16 and u could also see if u could help out at a vet office like taking the pets in, or an animal grooming place u could be the shampooer!! ;)

  8. volunteer at a vets office, and soon they will hire you. you can also be a camp counselor

  9. fast food or a paper route baby sit all that fun stuff until ur 16

  10. McDonald's

  11. I dont know, im looking for one too, but for next summer cause im only 13, maybe i can be the paperboy, i saw some flyers for 14 year olds and over...hhhmmm...

  12. phone shops in your area and just ask the manager. its the easiest way  

  13. well quite a few supermarkets will take 15 year olds to bag groceries and take them out. there are also a couple fast food places that will, but really to find a good job that will pay better your gonna need to be 16. i guess if you really wanted to work with animals just go to your local zoo and ask them if they need any help around there or look into a job at a petsmart

  14. Isn't your avatar a girl.

  15. You could probably get a job helping out at a vet.

    Good luck w/ your gf!

  16. try a direct marketing company

  17. Depending on your states laws you should be able to get a work permit and could work as a bagger or cashier at a grocery store. Haha its so cute that a 14 year old kid is planning his wedding already. Good luck with that lol.

  18. I'm 15 and i work in my local cafe. You could go and ask a cafe or a local shop. If you want to do a career in animals you could ask a pet shop or ask if you could be a receptionist at a vets.

    Hope this helps!  

  19. im tryinq at the superfresh ( qiant ) near my house . any qrocery store is probably desperate .

  20. i have the same problem as you rite

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