
Where can i get a job?????

by Guest64824  |  earlier

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i mean i graduated from high school about 2 months ago

and im being a total bum and bored of just being at home

and my mom is really bugging me about getting a job

im planning to go to college next year

but i want a job now and dont seem to get one...

what are some places i can work at?

(i dont really have work experience)




  1. Fast Food. They will accept almost anyone, experience or not. Also, if you do a good job consistently and leave on good terms you will have a good reference when you go to apply for other jobs!

    Those online jobs may seem like the better choice but for someone your age who has no previous work experience it would be better for you to start off in fast food so that you can EARN work experience. The online stuff, although easier and thus more appealing won't get you any references, experience or strengthen your work ethic all of which is what future employers will be looking for!

  2. What about taking surveys online? I know it's not really a "job" but it's a good way to make a little extra money and it's easy. These are the sites I use:

    basically you just take little surveys or complete free offers. The site is TOTALLY FREE to join and to participate in, and they don't ask for your credit card info or social security number or anything personal. It's probably not going to make you a millionaire overnight, but it's not a scam either. I've actually made about $1700 over the last 3 months and I only work for an hour or two a day (while my three year old is napping).

  3. You've had a longer vacation than most adults get, and have no ideas about a job, so why not go back to school now, instead of next year. Your local community college will still let you in. You don't need to declare a major, so pick a few interesting courses, and enroll. If you think you would like to study with some determined students, rather than people still finding their way, enroll for night courses.  

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