
Where can i get a miley cyrus mask for halloween?

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I want to be Miley for halloween




  1. Wigs and costumes - http://halloween-costumes.spirithallowee...

    You could just look up pictures of her on-line and dye your hair blonde. That would save you money, and you could use that money to go to a broadway show or a decent concert as opposed to Hannah Montana. Or you could also make your own mask out of paper mache or whatever materials you may have around the house. Scotch tape, banana peels, whatever! The opportunities are endless!

  2. LOL Litz!

    Just download a nice picture head, and enlarge it and print it. Or, enlarge it to a photocopier machine. It's cheaper. Boo!

  3. Before I start, please look at all the pictures I leave before reporting me, if you must report should know what you are getting into.


    I agree with Liz.

    Don't be Miley Cyrus.

    If you are going to die if you aren't her, at least be Hannah Montana.

    At least Hannah Montana is a fictional character (for 5 year olds, but that's beside the point).

    If you want to be Miley, try talking to a hooker or stripper for some advise on how to capture the 'essence' of Miley... (And I can see the report emails coming in...Now)

    Here are some pictures of Miley to give you some ideas and hopefully change your mind:

  4. At your local horror shop.

  5. I don't think a Miley Cyrus mask exists. Like another poster suggested  you can always do a printout.

  6. why do you want to be Miley? either way, walmart sells wigs. masks i dont know if they have yet.

  7. Lol, you want to be Miley for halloween!...then again that makes sense :)

    I doubt anywhere will have a Miley mask especially for halloween..but any type of dressing up shop may have a miley mask and hannah montana wig maybe? Im not sure though.

    Or, you could copy this look to look like her>>

    She looks pretty scary!! lol.

    Or, if all else fails, you could make your own by getting a pic of one of her fake cheesy smiles, blow the pic up, cut it out and make it into a scary mask, like this pic>>

    Anyway, hope this helps a bit. :D

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