
Where can i get a warning sticker for my door?????

by  |  earlier

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i want to put stuff on the outside if my door but i dont know where i can get a "warning" sign sticker or a stop sign please tell me were i can get one!!!




  1. Any department store or novelty shop, like Spencer's, would have them. But don't put stickers on your door. Use adhesive tabs, preferably the ones that are removable.


  2. Warning?? like my sign in the hall way leading to the guest rooms that my son put up? "Danger: Explosives"

    He got these at the WalMart, Dollar Store, etc. Just go looking for them and you should find something that you want to put up.

    Hint: put them up with thumb tacks, do not paste them to the door! It is much too messy to take off when you get tired of them.

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