
Where can i get alarge quantity of sponge balls for a ball pit?

by  |  earlier

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I dont like those hard plastic balls for my baby.




  1. The reason the ball pits use the plastic balls is because they can be sanitized.  It's totally a health issue because the sponge balls cannot be thoroughly cleaned.   I've search the net for these sponge balls and haven't found any.  Sorry, I did try.

  2. Try this website., but I also would like to bring up a point that you might not have forseen.. A baby can bite off the sponge part and choke on it because sponge absorbs liquid and it might expand... I don't know how old your baby is, or if he/she puts things in their mouth, but sponge balls could be dangerous.

  3. The dollar store or Walmart. Most drug stores have sponge balls. I don't know about a large quantity but you can get some for a cheap price at the places listed above.

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