
Where can i get an England rugby top for a 3 month old baby, in Luton if poss but def anywhere will do.?

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Where can i get an England rugby top for a 3 month old baby, in Luton if poss but def anywhere will do.?




  1. Try the shop at Twickenham, it sells all sizes.

  2. why buy one?

    the child will soon grow out of it.

    why not instead get creative and maybe just put the rugby logo on an england flag and print that on a cloth that can be switched easily from shirt to shirt as your child grows.

    it will be cheaper in the long run.

    alternatively justy buy a small child (look online at froogle or somewhere) size now make a copy in your childs size though to be honest it would be better to NOT get a shirt until the child is able to understand the meaning behind the shirt you have put them in.

    just my opinion.

  3. you can get 1 on ebay

  4. The England Rugby Store.

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