
Where can i get birth control pills?

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I'm 14. where could i get birth control pills without my parents finding out and when i find them how many times do i have to take it before i have unprotected s*x?




  1. You can go to any free clinic and tell them that you don't have insurance and you would like birth control pills they will give you a pap smear and birth control.  

  2. haha im a guy. never been in this section of y.a. well. buy them from  some1 at your skool or pray to go and go into safeway and buy some. im gonna have to get the courage to get condoms so u mite as well

  3. you can go to a planned parent hood or any clinic

  4. Planned Parenthood gives them out for free, and ILLEGAL for them to tell someone that you're having s*x. But all you do is fill out some forms and that's it. You can be like 14 or 15 to get them.

  5. since your a minor im not really sure if you can get them without your parents finding out.  i know when youre 18 and you go to a doctor to get birth control pills or anything for that matter they cant say anything to your parents because its confidential information.  the birth control pills i have, you have to take all 28 pills for the month and after that you can have unprotected s*x but you are so young and you wouldnt want to get pregnant or get an STD because some STDs you cant cure like please becarefull sweety and use protection no matter what...everyone always says how much better it feels...and yea it feels better for guys but when girls are wet you can hardly feel the difference.  its not worth getting pregnant or a disease for a night of pleasure because youll have that baby or possibly a disease for the rest of your life.  so just be careful and take care of yourself

  6. You have to see your doctor and get a prescription for them.

  7. Go see your doctor!

  8. where do you get the pills ? a pharmacy . of course , you need a perscription soo you'll need to go to a health clinic for that . information is confidential .  

  9. u need an adult to get them either a parent or a friends parent and wait a second ur 14 and ur planning on having unprotected s*x??? wtf...

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