
Where can i get cheap goalie pads i need some but i cant find any cheap ones?

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Where can i get cheap goalie pads i need some but i cant find any cheap ones?




  1. just look on

  2. MC Sports.

  3. You can visit any hockey store and i know that many old model used pads should be cheap but DR's are the cheapest.

  4. play it again sports,,,,, to name a few.  Realize goalie equipment is not that cheap also.  You can also go to your local rink and check there sport shop or bulletin board.  People are always trying to unload used or outgrown equipment.

  5. I've dreamed about cheap goalie equipment as well.

  6. Check on Craigslist and Ebay.

    If you go the Ebay route, check out the Ebay store Goalie Heaven.  They are a pro shop located in Toronto specializing in goalie gear.  You can find their website and phone number listed there as well.  They have hundreds of pad sets in stock that aren't listed, if you call them and tell them your needs they are very likely to have something in your price range.  I bought an unused top of the line pair of pro return Bauer pads for $400.  They were custom made for a minor league player, he was traded before he ever put them on.  You can find deals like that or some of their older stock that they are trying to move.

  7. big 5 or sportsmart if you're really cheap go to goodwill  store or salvation army.

  8. First, check your local rinks/arenas/sports complexs. There may be ads selling used goalie pads.

    Check local paper sale ads, community bullien boards.

    Some local sports stores sell used equiptment, try there (ex. Instant Replay,etc.)

    Try stores like Sport Mart, Sport Check, etc. They may have old stock that never sold, or sale pads.

    Garage sales, flea markets, etc. can be perfect for finding quality sports items.

    Lastly, try good old Ebay if your out of luck. I wouldn't recommend it b/c you don't know if they fit well, are old, damaged and stuff

    Good Luck =)

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