
Where can i get good quality binders and dividers at an inexpensive price??

by Guest31760  |  earlier

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school starts, and i need alot of binders and dividers, exept the ones at the dollar store there really well not good, they break after 1 month or so and do not have a wide range of inches.... (binder rings size)

bu the ones at Wallmart (thought they say are cheap) are like 4 dollars, and to me.. its not cheap.. cus i need like 7 binders... and 7 sets of dividers.....

please help with some suggestions.

(and if by any chance possible, how much you think the total might be)




  1. I'm sorry, but there really isn't a good place to get these.

    I know that I purchased my binders at staples, and they were $7 a pop. However, you can get cheaper ones there but they aren't as good. If you want good binders, plan on investing at least $4 into each one. The best ones have D rings rather than O rings. They hold up better.

    When buying dividers, Wal-mart had a great set with 4 full sets of dividers for $1. I'd go with that. :)

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