
Where can i get good science trivia about the body?

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  1. you mean little facts? i can tell you some, i have a book on it.

    every minute, about 3 billion cells die and are replaced in your body

    signals can speed through the nervous system as fast as 200 miles per hour

    humans were born with about 300 bones. by the time a human is 18, they'll only have 206.

    more than half the bones in your body are in your hands and feet

    bones can withstand a pressure of 24000 pounds per square inch- thats 4 times stronger than steel

    before birth, your skeleton is all cartlidge. as you grow, the cartlidge changes into bone

    your strongest muscles for their size are the muscles on the side of your mouth.

    the digestive juices in your stomach are strong enough to dissolve metal

    it takes 4 to 6 hours for food to move through the small intestine

    if all the blood vessels in your body were stretched out, they would wrap twice around the world

    by age 70, your haert will have beat 2 billion times

    if you spread out the cells in your lungs, they would cover half a tennis court

    the eye contains 70% of the body's nerve cells

    humans can recognise more than 10000 different smells

    about 100 hairs fall out of your head a day

    sorry if this isnt what you wanted.

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