
Where can i get legitimate information on first time home buyer grants and not a scams?

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Where can i get legitimate information on first time home buyer grants and not a scams?




  1. If you don't know be EXTREAMLY CAREFUL in getting a buyer grant.  On line 99% of them are scams and will ask you to grease their palms, send them a few thousand dollars and they will get you a grant... IT DOESN'T HAPPEN THEY RUN WITH YOUR MONEY.  

    Get smart any time you need a grant you MUST go to the government Direct for it. I would never get a grant unless I were totally disabled.  I do not want the rest of the world telling me how I should live.  I won't be obligated.. I TRUST MYSELF ONLY TO DO THE BEST JOB OF KEEPING ME IN EVERYTHING I NEED.

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