
Where can i get little hats and clothes for a lizard (bearded dragon) ?

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To all....let me clarify,

I am not forcing my lizard to wear clothes all the time like a little toy. I simply want to put a little cute hat on, take a picture, and take the hat off.

For example, pls see this video:




  1. dude for starters,ever heard of photoshop, but if you have to it probably won't be that bad (just really degrading) make sure if it is moving around to avoid the hat nonstop  just stop trying. you'd better make it a good shot lol  

  2. For something that small you should just resize doll clothes. People be resonable, she just said she's not forcing. Besides you can't stop anyone with cruel words.

    Anyway, if it wont let you put it on then try photoshop! XD

  3. why is it cruel?? ppl dress up their dogs all the time. it's stupid, but i doubt the dog knows it looks like a ponce.

    just be careful that your beardie won't eat it's clothes

    the paper hat in that video is obviously paper, but if you want to make your own, the very best way is to get some felt and a hot glue gun from the dollar store. felt goes for usually 3 or 4 sheets for a dollar and a mini glue gun compleate with a few sticks of glue usually goes for about two bucks.

    then it all lays on how crafty you are. you can easily make a wizard hat (cut a half circle, glue one edge, voila) or a little cape ( little felt wedge with an emblem glued on the back) but i would advise against trying to go for things like shirts and sweaters. forcing your lizards arms through the holes might hurt it, or p**s him off into biting you.

    try to google up some doll/pet patterns, and you can easily adapt them to the basic designs. share pictures when you're all done!!

    -as a note- glue gun is possibly bad for your beardie if he eats it, so the easiest way to get rid of the glue strings is to pass a hair dryer over everything. it will melt away all the glue threads, and then you just have to keep a very close eye that your beardie doesn't eat anything.  

  4. well looking at the video i notice that the bearded dragon is only wearing a home made paper hat but your best bet is to find doll hats or make your own if you want to do something like that

  5. You can find almost ANYTHING on Ebay. I wish you luck.

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