
Where can i get my credit report and pay ##Question_Title##?

by  |  earlier

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i've gone to websites after websites and all of them charge. does anyone know where i can get it for free? i just want it but dont need t that's why i dont want to pay for it :)




  1. Yes, it's the site.  Keep in mind that you do have to pay for your score, period, because there is no law about that.

  2. is the official free site.


  3. Check out

  4. Here is a site you can go to which has 3 different companies offering free credit reports for you:

    Best of luck!

  5. Try this one -

    I use it to monitor my credit score during last 3 years.

    You can apply for free initial short term plan and get your free scores and reports.

  6. If you have been a victim of identity theft or if you have been turned down for credit in the last 30 days you can call any reporting agency and get a copy for free. Other wise I would try They offer them. also, I have gone to and gotten a copy of my report and credit score. The only catch with them is that you enter in a credit card number for a free trial to the monitoring service and then after you print your report call and cancel the service so you don't get billed.

  7. is a centralized service for consumers to request free annual credit reports. It was created by the three nationwide consumer credit reporting companies - Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. provides consumers with the secure means to request and obtain a free credit report once every 12 months from each of the three nationwide consumer credit reporting companies in accordance with the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT Act).

    I've used this service myself.  They ask you for information that only you know and you can get all three reports immediately.  You then have the opportunity to see if everything that has been reported is accurate and can challenge what is not.  If inaccuracies cannot be documented, the derogatory item is removed, forever!

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