
Where can i get or buy a jetpack? are they avalible somewhere?

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how long does it can go?




  1. It can does go all the way, but you don't have the money.

  2. Readed about a guy selling rocket packs, not worth it for a fifteen second flight

  3. Sorry for the letdown, but there is only one commercial manufacturer of a personal "Jet Pack" or "Rocket Belt". The company is in Mexico and their product really does work, but they cost $125,000 USD apiece and the flight time is under one minute.

    Go here:

  4. not unless you want to die in a hellfire of jet fuel and metal. try again in 20 years..

  5. No. but I honestly thought I'dve been on the moon by now. am 49).

  6. Actually, contrary to what many people say, there are many commercial jet packs available to the general public. You can simply type in jetpack on a search engine and you'll get many results. For example, the link below gives jet pack plans for a mere $38.00. A more expensive model is the second link.

    But be warned! The only assurances you'll have that the jetpack actually flies is by the manufacturer. You'll have no idea whether or not it has actually been flew or how many people they've scammed, if any. Mythbusters tested a model similar to the one in the first link, but it failed to even lift off.

    Come to think of it, none of the pictures are of the guy in the first link actually being airborne huh?

    Duration depends on the model, as stated by the manufacturer. Once again, beware of tricks.

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