
Where can i get rid of my fiberglass boat?

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I just want it out of my yard but iwant to keep the trailer what would be the best way to get rid of it and not have the city after me for doing something illegalcan i cut it up and throw it away a little every week or what please let me know thanks




  1. craigslist it.

  2. Try to find an organization that would take it as a donation.  There are Sea Scout groups that will take old boats, refurb them and sell them.  A good alternative for you, the scouts and the buyers of the rebuilt boats.

  3. Call your local municipality and ask.   Most have a site you can take refuse to, even large refuse.    Contractors doing demolition get rid of waste of larger volumes than that all the time.  They will likely charge based on the weight.

  4. Take your boat to a lakefront-community where the boats are commonly stored on the water.

    Explain your wishes to the residents (ESPECIALLY to the people who approach you about your boat.)  -  I'm sure they will understand your wishes.

  5. If you just want someone to come and get it and take it off your hands for FREE, list it on   I use this site to get rid of everything I don't want or need anymore and I never have to worry about hauling it off.  Someone out there would love to have it.  good luck!

  6. you can sell it

  7. EBay! Seriously, look a t some of the listings. You might be surprised at what sales. You may only get the cost of the listing, but so what. You got rid of the boat and kept it out of th landfill.

  8. Go on and make an ad.  If you don't want any money for it just say that it is free for whoever wants to take it away.

  9. i dont now but good qastion

  10. Take it to some place where there is deep water.. and SINK IT.

  11. can you sell it back to the producer

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