
Where can i get some pet rats?

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i already tried craigslist & kijiji but nothing. also there are none in shelters plus i wouldn't want to get them there anyways. i'm in georgia.




  1. I say search 4 a breeder- make sure u dont get them from wholsalers- they will be unhealthy- try a little pet store or maybe petco or petsmart- just make sure they are cared for properly otherwise they may be harder to tame. Good Luck :)

  2. any pet shop that sells snakes

  3. try a breeder

  4. Petco

  5. hmm. welp you can usually get them at any pet store because they sell them as feeders :( though i wouldn't really recommend that because they may be very illy bread and more prone to sickness. so try looking up local breeders. ... and also you HAVE TO haveto HAVE TO get more than one. they are very social creatures and love to play with other rats and humans so i really can't stress it enough! and before you get a rat.... be sure and do your research they are complex little sweethearts that need a lot of special care.. .i mean i don't know if you have read anything about them already.. i am just suggesting that you do.

  6. try petsmart, i have a petsmart where i live and then theres just a random petshop here, and the petshop is move expensive than petsmart...or go to there might be a rescue organization that has some rats

  7. petsmart is the best way to go cause they are more suitable for pets and anywhere else, theyre bred and sold as wild rats for snake consumption.

  8. Why wouldn't you want to rescue rats...? Try breeders or rescues/shelters:

  9. You don't trust rescues, but you trust pet stores? That doesn't make much sense. Pet stores get their rats from breeders who are less than wholesome most of the time. They're usually not that healthy. You stand a better chance of a healthy socialized rat from a rescue.

    And I WORK in a pet store! :P

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