
Where can i get someone to saw some wood for me?

by  |  earlier

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I have this huge, stunning piece of wood that i bought for a pets enclosure - but its just too big.

Its not in sheets, its like an actual chunk of a tree.

Where could i get someone to trim it for me? Their saw would a have to be massize, but a hand held chain saw would be no good because it needs to be neat...





  1. Where are you ?

    There are saw mills that will cut any size of timber , wood machinists etc.

  2. ask a carpentar or builder?

  3. If it is just a couple of inches thick, then it could probably be cut with a skill saw. Ask a friend, relative, or neighbor to cut it for you.

    If it is too big for a common power tool, then you will probably will have to take it to a saw mill. They usually will charge so much per board foot, to cut it.

    I hope this helps a little bit. Sorry I don't have much more info for you.

    Good Luck!

  4. Do it yourself babe.

  5. check local press for joiners or timber merchants, tell them your story and they will point you in the right direction.

    a tree feller will make call outs to handle problems like this.

  6. poland>?

  7. B&Q have a service like that. you should ring them and ask.

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