
Where can i get teen magazines that are cheaper than 4 bucks in ontario?

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Where can i get teen magazines that are cheaper than 4 bucks in ontario?




  1. at the store

  2. sometimes what i do, if im in the neighbourhood, (and only if your close to the US border)  Sometimes when my family and i wanna go for a drive, we go to the american border and you can get the magazines for $2.99 plus tax.  If your not close to the border like I am, Wal-Mart or Shoppers DrugMart is the best. Just dont go to Chapters cause for some reason i ended up paying nearly $5 for Seventeen.

  3. WAL-MART.

    i get them for like 3.99 each plus tax.

    but yeaaah i dont think they have them for cheaper then that.

    and yes in ontario

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