
Where can i get the best deal on an BJJ Gi? what can i expect to pay?

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I need a quality gi for the absolute best price. I now train no-gi and want a decent gi to start training in. whats the different between "student" ,"single weave".... like i said i just need a decent one to start learning how to roll with a gi that will also serve me well as i get more profecient




  1. Best price to quality ratio I've found is Padilla & Sons. I've bought two from them, gold weave and single weave (the single weave is thinner and lighter), excellent customer service both times. The gold weave is currently $80, while the single weave is $70: that is ridiculously cheap for a decent gi.

    Atama, Koral etc are all good too, but they're well over $100. I would the rate the Padilla as on the same level, but at a far more reasonable price.

    I've never heard of a 'student weave', but I'd guess that means its a basic thin one, as opposed to a 'competition weave' or something. The usual weaves are double weave (thick and durable, but heavy, so can be sweaty to train in), single weave (thinner and lighter, but therefore less durable) and gold weave (a combination of the two). You'll also see things like 'hybrid weave' and 'summer weave', which are the extra-light versions.

    You could also just get a cheap judo gi is you're looking for something to start out with: I bought one for £20 before I started training, and its still going strong 2 years later.

  2. look online for the best prices (type in google 'martial arts suppliers') but at a retail price expect to pay $50 upwards for good quality. But look online first for best prices. It depends on which type of material you want. Check which is stronger. Good luck

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