
Where can i get the itouch cheap at and the 8gb?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I sell ipods let me know if you need one

  2. HEY liLY,

    HI my name is Lyndsay and i was just checking out some of the questions in pda's and i thought i'd let you know abgout this website that is giving away free tech toys ( iphone the 8 gb and the 16 gb) and they are giving them away for free when you sign up to the website and complete 1 FREE OFFER, and get your friends to do the same thing . THe number of people you would have to get to sign up just depends on what gift you want. I personally want the ipod classic and that;s 6 people, but the Iphone 8gb iis only 8 referrels which is the same as 8 people..  SOUNDS LIKE BULLSHIT HEY??  i swear to god on my kids life it's not a scam!!! Im a mom and i wouldn't scam an innocent person.

    i saw first hand my neighbour get his xbox 360 in the mail, whcih i totally thouyght would never was so wrong!.

    SO now im on a mission to find 6 people (for the ipod) and i will be your first referrel if you want cuz i havn't signed up through neone yet so when you go through my referel make sure you send me the referel link that they give you after you sign up and then i will put you that i was reffered by you...THATS If your interested.   oh ya you will need a credit card for the free offer.but i have one of those pay as you go mastercards from moneymart, you can get a visa gift card from walmart too and its the same thing .  Now the free offer you want to go with is the STAMPS cuz its absolutely free and you get 5 dollars worth of stamps and what you do is after 14 days of the free trial offer you call and cancel and that way you dont get billed anything and you get your credit for the offer ahd free stamps!! there's also a blockbuster deal , thats prety sweet i thought of doing that one, and there a netflic offer . SO you see they are all reputable companies.

    SO check it out and make sure you go through my referel link if you are interested and make sure you send me your link

    my email is if you have ne more questions.

    SO i talk to you later and good luck :)


  3. The lowest price i find for it is $200.

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