
Where can i get the little computer for kids who have autism?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know what its called but its like a little computer or something that reads allowed what the person is writing.Can someone please tell me where to get it. I would love it if my brother had one cause he has autism. Thank you!




  1. I -think- what you're referring to is an assistive technology device, with voice output capabilities. The most familiar ones my students have used are from DynaVox. ( They are equipped with touch screens, and allow the individuals to use picture symbols to create sentences, answers questions or make comments.

    These (and other similar) devices allow individuals with autism, who are typically visual learners, to construct language with pictures and then voice their thoughts using a computer voice, in order to better communicate with others.

    I have seen some of my students use these devices to communicate in amazing ways ... it takes some time, patience, and a good speech pathologist - but it's definitely worth it!

    The devices are attainable through school districts, after a complete assitive technology evaluation (typically done by a speech pathologist and occupational therapist, or assistive technology specialist). If your brother is an adult, it is also possible to obtain them through Medicare/Medicaid. The DynaVox website has information on this as well, and they are more than willing to help families ..

  2. I'd suggest looking here:

    You can view other software that can help, as well.

  3. What you want is text-to-speech SOFTWARE that can be loaded on any computer.  You paste any text into the onscreen box and it will read it with a synthesized voice.  So you have have to be able to highlight, copy, and paste the text.

    The link below is a free one.  You can find lots more on google if you type in "text to speech".

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