
Where can i get the test q&a's to a block buster test and a staples ??

by  |  earlier

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my brother is going to apply at staples and he is looking for best results in there online test

and my lil sister is doing the same for block buster

so she is looking for the same

and i got tired of them bugging me so im asking here

any help??




  1. Ok so I could not find the actually tests and/or answers BUT all the tests are is an assessment of your personality.  Companies give them in order to determine whether or not a person is honest, fair, has good anger mgmt skills, trustworthy and will work well with fellow employees.  There are generally to lie detectors built into it 1- Several of the questions are repeated but worded slightly differently 2- Some of the answer options are the extreme in order to catch someone trying to cast themselves in a very good light

    Tell your sister and brother to stop worrying and looking for an easy way out.  To take the darn test and be honest!!!

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