
Where can i get the wave made by neutrogena ?

by Guest64783  |  earlier

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and how much does it cost




  1. Drugstore- its $14.99

  2. you should be able to get it at most drugs stores and places like wal mart or zellers / sears ect. it should be between 15-20 probably.

    personally i wouldn't recommend getting it, its really not that amazing, just a waste of money in my opinion

  3. walmart

  4. cvs

  5. Like at a store. Duhhh. Retarded much. It's about 20 bucks.

  6. i got mine at a publix, u can try walmart, its basically anywhere. i dunno the cost though.

  7. I saw it at walmart for 14.00

  8. walmart =]

    not sure how much but i no ive seen it there

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