
Where can i get wheat paste posters made?

by  |  earlier

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i have designs and ideas and i know how to make the paste i just dont know where to get the actual posters from




  1. Try your local printing shop ;)))

  2. At home, of course.

    Take a sheet of paper, perhaps one that you draw on, that might be good.

    Draw or photocopy your original on to it - if you don't want to post your original, photocopy it. (might help with smudging, too)

    There you go. Poster made.

  3. If you are drawing your own designs, the best paper to use for wheat pasting is newsprint. You can pick up a large pad of this from any arts and crafts store for about 10 bucks or less.

    You can also go to a local newspaper location. They usually have extra paper that they sell really cheap.

    Hope this helps

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