
Where can i get work permit? please answer this question?

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i live in norcross ga. and i am born in 1993. please tell me where can i get work permit. write now my school is closed because of summer vacation. so please tell me where can i get my work permit is there any way so i can get online work permit. thanks i hope you can help me. thanks




  1. You and at least one of your parents have to go in person to the nearest state dept of labor office and apply.  You need your birth certificate, proof of identity and your parent needs proof of identity and of parenthood/legal guardianship.  Parent needs to sign permission, and parent is responsible for ensuring that you do not violate any terms of the child labor laws.

    This assumes both you and your parents are US citizens or legal permanent residents.  If here on a visa, you need authorization to work from USCIS. And if here illegally, forget it.

    And learn how to spell if you want to do something besides mow lawns or squirt ketchup on burgers.

  2. check to see if you school has any office hours during the week, most schools do, that is how i got mine done, or check your town hall and ask there...

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