
Where can i go from here my mother has Alzheimer's?

by  |  earlier

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and i have lived with her for the past four years now my family want me to move out. i quit my job to take care of her the house that i am going to move into is not ready yet but the biggest problem is that they are so mad at me that my mother is getting neglected in the process she won't let me do anything for her so how can i fix this quick?




  1. Move, they obviously don't want your help, don't force it on them.

    How soon will the house be ready? Do you have a friend you can move in with until them?


  2. Who specifically wants you to move?  If you are mom's primary caregiver, are they ready to step into that role and assume the responsibility of caring for her?  Do they even know how much is involved in caring for someone with Alzheimer's?  

    Your mother is currently in denial about her condition; she will refuse any and all help because she is desperate to hang onto her independence.  The problem is, Alzheimer's is a progressive disease for which there is no cure, and she will NOT get better or even stay at this level.  She WILL get worse; it is just a matter of time.  Somebody needs to be the "bad guy" and basically take over her care.  Whether it be simply driving her to the store, or handling her finances, or arranging doctor visits and exams.....she will not be able to do this for herself and NEEDS somebody to help her.  

    Who has medical and financial POA for her affairs?  If it is you, then you need to set your foot down with your family and tell them that you ARE her primary caregiver and you WILL continue to care for her as you see fit.  Let them know that their input is valued and will be taken into consideration; but unless one of them is willing to FULLY step into the role you have and take care of her the right way, then you will continue to do so to ensure she receives the best possible care.  Now if nobody has POA for her, then maybe you should take her to an attorney when she's lucid so it can be taken care of.  Your family needs to be made to understand that if your mother does not have somebody living with her to help her, eventually she will HAVE to be moved to a nursing home or skilled-nursing facility that specializes in Alzheimer's patients, and that it will cost quite a bit to keep her there (Medicare often will only pay for a basic nursing home, not the extra care an Alzheimer's patient needs).  Take care of yourself; but protect your mother and her interests as well, because without knowing more info, it sounds to me like your family does NOT have her best interests at heart - only their own.

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