
Where can i go to have s*x?

by  |  earlier

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my girl friend and i want to have s*x but dont know where to go. my parents are always home and so is hers? we cant get a hotel and we dont have a car? any tips where to do it? and she lives kinda far so i only see her during the day.




  1. find out when they wont be home. you could try public places, but i wouldnt! how about a friends house?

  2. If you want it bad enough you'll figure it out...

  3. BEACH (:

  4. Hi Tony,

      The first time should be special.When i was younger my guy had a friend who was marry.He found out that him and his family would be out of town in a weeks time.So my guy talked to his friend and arrange for him and me to spend the week end at their house. It was great and we didn't have to worry about anyone one walking in on us.We even took showers together.It was a wonderful feeling of being close and becoming one.I will never forget this time with him and it has been a lot of years since then,but i remember it like yesterday. Be safe and i hope you truly find a good place to become one My Friend.

    Your Friend,


  5. Hmm... i think you should go to some place that people will not disturb. I think the best place should be at home but since both of your parents are at home then go to the second choice which is at the toilet.  

  6. The only legal place, would be in a home. Ask a friend if they'd be willing to help you out?

  7. elevator

  8. If you don't own a car and both of you still live with your parents I have to say neither one of you are ready for s*x.

  9. Seldom used stack at a library.

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