
Where can i go to volunteer, and do community service work?

by  |  earlier

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I want to get into a good college, and i know that i need to start to volunteer, i have pretty good grades and a clean record but i know that i need to do some community service, volunteer, and join some clubs to get into a good college so what are some good extra curricular activities or volunteer work that i could do? I like to help people, my favorite high school class has been psychology, and i love the outdoors so if anyone has any ideas i would like to hear them.

This isn't just all about getting into college either, i have recently found myself in a slump, and it's been difficult for me to be social and make new friends, so a lot of this is because i just want to get of my comfort zone and become a more fun person.




  1. Go volunteer at a local zoo

    just go to the zoo's website and their should be a link

    for volunteers, its a real fun thing to do

    and will impress people when you go to College

  2. Many times your local hospital will allow you to volunteer and after a certain amount of hours they will let you decide what department you wanna work in. I think it will be a good way to meet people and get out of the funk your in.

  3. go to, or to find something according to interests and zip code

  4. Good for you!

    I think any charity you chose will benefit from your help and I wish you the best.  

  5. There are lots of places you can volunteer. Why don't you check with your local food pantry. They are always looking for volunteers. You can also try nursing homes,hospitals,your local dump,school is starting soon so maybe the elementary school near you. If you have any local events going on in your area you can always contact them and ask if they need any volunteers. Hope I gave you some ideas and want you to know that I think its great that you are looking to volunteer. It is hard to find them these days. It would be nice if you kept us posted on what you decided to do.

  6. you can volunteer at an abused womens/childrens shelter

    the ymca or boys and girls club

    meals on wheels

    an adult day care center

    a pet shelter

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