
Where can i learn Kyudo (japanese archery) on or around the gold coast

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Where can i learn Kyudo (japanese archery) on or around the gold coast




  1. What's the difference between Kyudo, and other forms of archery?

    Just curious.

    Edit: So were the English bowmen at Crecy weren't trained correctly?

  2. try check the yellow pages. or ask in a martial arts store they always seem to know of a lot of martial arts in the area.

  3. Check here,  

    And for Phil, Kyudo is traditional japanese archery.  They use very long bows, about 8 feet long.  These yumis are made of bamboo or fiberglass.  In kyudo you're taught to first do the form right, that includes the correct way to walk to the target, the correct way to sit while waiting and the correct way to shoot, hitting the target in the beginning is just icing on the cake.  While in western archery, we don't care how you walk to the line, just get there and hit the target, if your form is right then all the better.

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