
Where can i learn bagua kung fu?

by Guest44745  |  earlier

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i get picked on sometimes at school and i want to be able to dodge an attack if someone tries to beat me up : )




  1. Any martial art will teach you to ignore them and walk away.

    Bagua is not kung fu.

    Bagua is Taijiquan (Tai Chi.)

    Look for Taiji schools and ask if they teach Bagua.

    I know that schools in the WTBA - World Taiji Boxing Association teach this martial art.

  2. any art thats worth anything will teach you how to dodge an attack, not just bagua.

    getting picked on is normal, just ignore them as much as possible. i know its hard to do sometimes, but its best, and alot better than getting in trouble for fighting.

    i suggest you look in the yellow pages and ask around to see what martial arts are available in your area. try them out, most schools will give you at least one free class to try it out. try them all, ask alot of questions, and tell them your goals, between you, you can make a decision that best suits your goals.

    by the way...i thought it was VERY cool that you didn't just say you wanted to beat up the bully's...that's a great attitude, and you're going down the right path, keep it up. because the martial arts are not about beating people up.

    to answer your question directly, if there is no bagua zhang school near you. and you are dead set on learning bagua...go to ...the teachers name is Mike Patterson, he was a 3 time all taiwan kuoshu full contact fighting champ, and has trained over 25 champs since then. i think he is in vegas but i wouldnt swear to it. he teaches internal chinese arts. chen style tai chi chuan, pakua (bagua), and hsing-i well as weapons and an art called liu he ba fa, wich is like all of them together kind of. he is very good, very detailed, and his tapes are instructional with great explanations. very very good, actually the best internal style tapes i have seen.

    there are lots of video clips on his website. check them out. there is a link on the homepage to video samples. but you can also see more in the online store section.

    all the arts are great, and all work together. bagua is very circular, and hsing i is pretty angular or straight forward, both are very powerful, and both together would make a very good system.

    you can email him, and he will email you back personally too. which is good.

    he'll even certify you possibly if (and its a big if) you can pass the test, but be warned, it constitutes not only learning the arts, but chinese philosophy, pressure point theory, and taoist principles as well. very strict, but...its the real deal. chinese martial arts the way they're supposed to be done. brutal, explosive, and effective, yet beautiful and calm.

    the downside...they are very traditional and will take quite some time probably to gain any real skill. honestly i'd choose hsing i first, it is the simplest and most straight forward of the 3 main styles of internal kung fu.

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