
Where can i learn more about "Alive & Well" AIDS Alternatives?

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I read that the woman who started this program beleives that Aids is not caused by HIV and is part of a conspiracy. Where is the proof? Is there a website? Further information. I briefly read about it and it interested me. Im not for or against it either it just looks like it might have some interesting points. Thanks.




  1.   is their website.  Good Luck!

    I'm not so sure about a conspiracy tho.

  2. There is a censorship of AIDS dissidents on Yahoo Answers. So I will probably get banned :( If you have any questions check out the following forum:

    Also here is a good video.

    Deconstruting the Myth of AIDS

  3. There is 'proof' but that proof does not stand up well when looked at, as it is made up of incorrect 'facts' or facts that have not been strung together properly.

    The medical definition of AIDS in the UK infact makes no reference to HIV.  But the definition is based on the number of T4 cells in the blood.  And there is only one cause of aquired low levels of T4 in the blood, that being HIV.

    Two things are true though.  One person (Andrew Stimpson) for certain may have fought of the disease himself.,,...  

    Next, a 'positive' mental attitude can help in fighting the disease.  But this is seen with other diseases.  But it will not cure it.  

    We do not know everything about the disease, for example why a group of Kenyan prostitutes have shown an amazing resistance to the disease.,,...

    But for every terminal illness, there are those who claim to know of a cure.  And when that cure does not work, it is either that the person who dies 'did not die of that disease' (i.e. they claim something else killed them) or that they did not follow the cure properly.

    The real tradegy is that more is not being done to fight the spread of this disease and also that more is not being done to give those in the third world treatment to hold the diease off till a cure can be found.

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