
Where can i learn the how to airwalk on the internet ?

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i know how to sidewalk and monwalk

i am confused about the airwalk




  1. is very helpful for learning things... just go to nad in the search engine type in learn to airwalk and pick anyone!

  2. How to Moon walk

    Put on your beazley lealand leanardo franchesco boots. Once again, smoothness is key. Smooth-toed dancing shoes will work, as will similarly un-groovy loafers and dress shoes. You can moon walk in anything, including hiking boots, but as a beginner you want as little traction as possible. You may even want to start with just your socks on, so you can glide across the floor.

    Get on the moon. The appeal of the moonwalk lies in its incredible smoothness, and while you can try it anywhere, it helps to be on a smooth, flat, non-stick surface. Most dance floors will work, of course, but so will most kitchen floors. Stay away from rough or uneven surfaces.

    L-positionMove into the L-position. Lift your right leg and place the toes of your right foot facing the floor, approximately a foot behind your left leg.

    Find your balance by increasing the width between your legs and feet until you feel stable. A good rule of thumb is to have them about 3-6 inches (the width of one of your feet) apart.

    Slide your left heel back and "into" the floor (as you lean back on your right leg) so that your left foot finishes behind the right leg. During this, the heel of your right foot should still remain in the air, with the toes pointed down on the floor.  

    Push heel back...

    ...Past the right foot

    Snap the heel of your left foot up off the floor as you simultaneously snap the heel of your right foot down. Now you are in the L-position again, but this time with your feet switched.

    Repeat the previous two steps, flipping the roles of your left and right foot.

    Add a head movement to help create the illusion of "moonwalking." As you slide your leg back, move your head forward as if it's being left behind in the movement. Then pull it back to the body as you switch to the other foot.

    How to AirWalk

    First, Stand facing forward with your toes side-by-side.  

    Then, take your right heel off the ground but keep the toe on.

    Next, hover your left foot of the ground backwards.

    After that, pop your left toe on the floor.

    Then, slide your right foot as you did with you left.

    Repeat the step 3 times.

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