
Where can i learn the routine to "slave 4 u " ?

by  |  earlier

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Where can i learn the routine to "slave 4 u " ?




  1. when i have to learn dances from videos i firstly watch the video and write down all of the steps.

    then i start watching again i learn the first few counts, rewind, do it with the video, rewind do it again facing away from the screen so i cant copy but i can refer to my notes. when i know it without looking at the screen or notes i move to the next few counts.

    i do this until the whole dance is learned but i keep my paper notes in-case i forget anything but don't have the video at hand

    learn it in small sections though, dont try to do it all at once.

  2. Your best bet, is to watch the video and learn it for yourself.

    If you like to dance you do better teaching yourself than for someone else to do it.  If there is a part you don't understand then make up a move that you think would go good there, chances are no one is going to notice.

  3. please don't do it!  

  4. i agree with peace and love

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