
Where can i make a web like youtube at the same time i can make money

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a web like youtube or megavideo




  1. Do you mean a "web site"?  You can make one in your own house, on your computer, once you learn how to program in html.  Then you pay a company to host the site, then you advertise it.

  2. You can find step by step guide on how to create a website at website like .

  3. Simple:

    1. Buy a server-farm (a few thousand computers).

    2. Recruit a team of 20-30 well experienced programmers

    3. Let them work for a year or two.

    4. Advertise your site worldwide in the papers, TV and networks.

    5. After a year or two, you MAY get some income from it.

    Sorry... Get realistic!  Website like YouTube, Yahoo, E-bay, Secondlife, COST millions of $ to set-up.

    You won't make in in your backyard.

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