
Where can i order or buy a HHO converter kit for my truck

by  |  earlier

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I have a ford Ranger and i need to raise the mpg on it and i heard about HHO converter where you can put water into it and you can run it just like gas.




  1. HHO is a scam.However water injection with methonal and water(washer fluid) can save mpgs.When needing power for passing,loads,hills.Great in diesels too.

    They used it in WW2 fighter planes.

  2. water injection will raise the compression in your engine and most likely cause premature failure.  HHO is an ************ way of trying to say H2O.  Take a torch to some water in your backyard and see if you can light it on fire.  Good luck,

  3. I am part of an Alternative Energy Research group and Hydrogen on Demand (HHO) Generators are one of our focus products.

    We provide FREE DIY Plans and Diagrams for our Model Generators if you would like to build your own generator. We also provide free guidance and message support for any questions or support you need along the way.

    For people who simply don't have the time to acquire the parts and for assembly, we offer our Generators and Kits directly through Ebay.

    We have a myspace page dedicated to the subject of Hydrogen on Demand - which includes FAQ's, Hints and Tips, and free diagrams as well as links to our Ebay listings.

    For a Truck, we have a 48 oz. Helix 5000 Model that you may be interested in building or purchasing.

    If you have any questions, just message me. :)

    ... Edit:

    For the uneducated (which often poke their ignorant ramblings in these questions),  HHO (oxyhydrogen) is not water.  It is the product of breaking the molecular bond of H2O and leaving it as separate parts = 2H , 2O . As separated, these are highly combustible and will combust at ignition temperature.

    I can't stand these people who shout scam on it just because of articles  they've read or other ignorant people they've blindly believed. Try it for yourself before you state lies. Take a plastic container, put a small hole in the lid and run a fuse into the inside of the lid,  fill it 2/3 way with water, stir in some tablespoons of baking soda, drop a fully charged 9-volt battery down in it, wait about 1 minute - light the fuse and head for cover!  

    If you then still insist that this is a scam, there's no hope for you.

  4. never heard of it but if it is true it would b in the JC whitney catalog or website

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