
Where can i purchase Aluminum powder or Aluminum flakes?

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I`m looking for aluminum powder or flakes to mix in with some clear epoxy for a craft project.




  1. most hobby or paint shops look up a local fiberglass shop as well they would know where to get some if they didnt have some to give you

  2. I do believe WEST Epoxy offers that as an additive, so check Defender Industries or West Marine or any good boat supply store....

  3. I never know for sure where someone's coming from with a question. However, here's the answer you seek.

    There's a website:

    They have lithium salts, aluminum powders, etc...

    However, I believe there's an age check/verification before purchase required. Not sure. But either way, probably not an issue with you(no offense, lol).

    Hope this helps.

    Cough  Best Answer  Cough

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