
Where can i purchase an old vinyl player in nyc?

by Guest66960  |  earlier

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i collect old vinyl records, so far i have 270 now. but ive never been able to play them, but i didn't really need to, cause i have all the songs on my ipod. but ive been tempted to hear the music from the original thing itself.




  1. To begin your search again, try looking for "record players" or "phonographs" as they were called in those days. The best place to look are Thrift Shops, like the Salvation Army, Goodwill, etc. Sometimes people have albums and a player and want to donate them. Mabe they'll take your name and keep a lookout for the item you need, and give you a call.

    Start here with the google search: vintage record player

    The next stop is here for "Record Player Repair" in NYC:

    Good Luck in finding, and Joy in listening

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