
Where can i put my dog???

by  |  earlier

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can i leavemy dog inside the crate while i am in school for 5 to 6 hours but i will give him a radio so he listen to something? or put him in the bathroom or kitchen or basement?. He is about 9 months and he is a Labrador retriever?




  1. I don't like the whole crating thing.  I would put up a gate to keep him in one room,  that is usually the kitchen.  Although he is big enough to get on cabinets.

    I do not know the layout of your home so I can't tell you where to put him.  I would give him a whole room instead of a crate.  Labs are very active dogs & putting him in a crate seems cruel to me.  You will have to dog proof what area you give him, so that he don't damage things or hurt himself.  Be sure that all electrical cords are not where he can chew them.  Put shoes & socks where they belong...  just make sure he is safe where ever you put him.

  2. as long as he has been incrementally crate trained he should do fine holding it that long. especially if he potties beforehand. as far as the noise, good idea. i used the t.v. but when they were 2 month old puppies. it helped desensitize all my pups. and im pretty sure it will still help with your dog. make sure he has water. and toys if hes a chewer. a stuffed animal if hes a snuggler.

    id recommend putting him close to the door so you can get to him to let him out asap when u get home tho.

    i dont think a baby gate will keep a 9 month old lab where u want him. and no matter how much u "dogproof" a kitchen, they'll chew on chairs, cabinets, even the corners of walls.

    crate-training is the best.

  3. put him in the basement so he can walk around!

    but make sure you give him plenty of food and water and toys to play with when your gone.

    also make sure theres a spot where he can go to the bathroom!

    before you put him in the basment make sure there is nothing down there that will hurt him or you wouldn't want him to touch.

    and leave the basement light on.

    hope I helped!

    good luck!

  4. I don't like crates but some people swear by them. I would gate him in the kitchen or bathroom, but "kid" proof it for anything he might get into...

  5. I wouldn't put him in a crate! I have an 8 month lab and she is very active so I'm guessing yours is too! lol. I'd give him a certain room to be in. That way he doesn't tear up your house. Mine is probably tearing up my backyard right now! :/

  6. Why do you have a dog if you have no room for him? You should have figured all of this out before you got the dog. I don't think you need this dog

  7. He'll be comfortable in his crate, but leave him some toys. A kong toy stuffed with peanutbutter and treats will keep him busy for a little while. He also won't be able to be as destructive in there.  

  8. Yes you can leave your dog in the crate while you're at school. Just make sure he's walked enough before and after.  

  9. i would say put  a gate up in the kitchen , thats what my parents do (but their dogs are also 5 or 6 years old)

  10. Crating is highly suggested by many behaviorists because it keeps your dog out of trouble and from escaping while you are away. I would suggest a kennel if the dog has no issues with kenneling unless you know for sure that he will not get into anything in the bathroom, kitchen, or basement. Just make sure the kennel is at minimum large enough for him to turn around and stand up in comfortably, and I would suggest leaving a toy in there that will keep him focused for a good time, such as a toy stuffed with peanut butter or treats. Also be sure to let him out to expell waste immediately before and after going into the crate.

  11. Dude... You cant keep him in an enclosed space for 6 hours every day. If that's what you're trying to do, I suggest you hand your dog over to the humane society.

  12. funny suddenly you have a 9 month old labrador, what about the 30 other questions you asked over the last week or so asking what type of dog you should get, if you already had one then why did you ask?

    You must have nothing better to do than to spam out the same question over and over and over you've got too much time on your hands....TROLL

  13. i agree with having a gate put up in one of the rooms, gives the dog a bit more room, but if not then the crate sounds fine as long as it has plenty of room to stand up in and has available room to turn around etc. leaving the radio on is a good idea if it is an only dog.

  14. He should be okay as long as you give him some toys or a kong to keep him occupied while you are not home. If you decide not to crate and just baby gate him in a room, you want to make sure that there is nothing that he can get into while you are away

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